About Us

The Minehead Male Voice Choir was formed in the year 2000. On the retirement of our first Musical Director after 10 years, Jackie Butterworth, who was already known as a guest soloist, was invited to take over the MD position.

Minehead Male Voice Choir
  • Jacqueline Butterworth

    Jacqueline Butterworth trained as a teacher at Christ Church College, Canterbury specialising in music and singing. She became principal soloist with local operatic societies and has sung solos in sacred works with choral groups as well as singing as a guest with the MMVC.

Jackie had been a music teacher for many years and a trained singer with a lifetime of performing experience. With Jackie's expertise the choir has been able to develop musically and add to the wide and varied repertoire while continuing to enjoy the pleasure and health benefits of singing together.
The choir has enjoyed past exchange visits singing joint concerts locally, in South Wales and the Midlands. We regularly participate in the bi-annual International Festival of Male Voice Choirs in Cornwall.
We are delighted to have helped raise many thousands of pounds for local, national and international charities. Our current membership is 41.
We rehearse on a Monday evening between 7:15 and 9:30 at the Alcombe Methodist Church in Lower Meadow Road (TA24 6AN). There is a tea break after the first hour! The whole evening can feel like hard work but the banter and fun we have all evening makes up for the exhaustion!
None of us are getting any younger – our oldest member is into his 80s and the youngest is just 53 (he is the only one to have been in the choir since day 1 so we must be doing something right!). We are always looking for more to join us whatever age you are. If you can sing in the shower, you can sing in the Male Voice Choir!

We have a Constitution here which sets out how we are “governed”.

Where are we?

We are based in Minehead, West Somerset and practise at the Alcombe Methodist Church on Monday evenings from 7.15pm to 9.30pm

What do we do?

We extend a warm welcome to all new members; all you need is enthusiasm and we will do the rest! No auditions are necessary.
We undertake around 10 – 12 concerts a year and help to raise thousands of pounds for charity

Who are we?

Musical Director: Jackie Butterworth
Chairman: David BarnesSecretary: Bill Griffiths